Saturday, September 12, 2009

I am probably not gonna get too much practice in today. My grandparents are coming to visit me, and it will be the first time that I have seen them in over a year, maybe even two years. I think it would be a bit tube to practice juggling instead of hanging out with them. But this morning I spent just a couple minutes going over the patter called rainbow. It wasn't too hard, but it doesn't seem like anything special either, so I think I may just drop that one and never bother with doing it again. After all, if I am not gonna use it to perform and if it is not something I am specifically training, why bother practicing it? I got really into practicing the shoulder tosses and the penguin catches yesterday, so hopefully with the play/practice I am planning on putting in those should be getting decent within a few weeks. That would be really nice, because one I get those down I think I will be able to do all kinds of smooth transitions with the balls going front in front of my body to the behind me and back. With back crosses, shoulder tosses, and the blind catches in back, that will be really cool. If I can eventually manage to combine it with turning like the Japanese jugglers in the video do, I will be really pleased with that! Anyway, I saw two really cool videos of some very entertaining performers and a very artistic piece at some TED conferences, so here you go:

EDIT: I hardly practiced at all today. Probably less than 10 minutes, but I did find out who Michael Moschen is, and look up a lot of his videos. I am definitely going to focus more on him in the future.

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