Friday, December 14, 2012


I haven't juggled in a long time. I haven't done any skill-based physical activities (circus, martial arts, dance) in a long time. I've been running occasionally  to train for a marathon someday, but even that has been quite spare recently. But I went out dancing with some friends last night, and I thought about this: Lots of people told me that I was a great dancer, but I don't think that really has anything to do with my skills. It only has to do with confidence. And confidence is just a code word for not caring what other people think. If I am not self-conscious at all, then I will be able to enjoy myself without concern for other people's opinions. I think that many people lack that: they go to a public place, and whatever they do they are constantly concerned with how they are being perceived by others. In a dance club, or in a park, or in any number of places: people are constantly concerned with how others perceive them. So here I share my secret of being a great dancer in a bar or  in a club: Confidence (apathy towards the opinions of others).

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put Joe! I miss your energy :) Another solution to the public confidence is a performer's mindset, essentially, "be" a character... and that "character" doesn't give an eff about what others think, so you can give yourself permission to have that freedom, and to enjoy it! (at least that's my strategy in many cases), not at a loss of confidence, but simply another route to get there.
